Search notes:


From ORDS 18.1.0 and later, ORDS can be launched on JDK 9 with
java -jar ords.war <command-name>
For example:
java -jar ./ords.war help
java -jar ./ords.war help configdir
Start in standalone mode:
java -jar ./ords.war standalone
java -jar ords.war install advanced

Available commands

configdir Set or show the value of the web.xml config.dir property
generate-access-token Generate an access token that can be exchanged for a cookie session
help Describe the usage of this program or its commands
install Installs Oracle REST Data Services
map-url Map a URL pattern to the named database connection Oracle Access Manager Identity Asserter on Oracle WebLogic
plugin Package one or more plugin jar files into ords.war
schema Install or upgrades Oracle REST Data Services schema, proxy user and related database objects.
set-properties Edit the value of one or more configuration settings via the specified properties file
set-property Edit the value of a single configuration setting
setup Configure database connection
standalone Launch Oracle REST Data Services in standalone mode
static Generate a Web Application Archive (WAR) to serve Oracle Application Express static resources
uninstall Uninstall Oracle REST Data Services schema, proxy user and related database objects.
user Create or update a user, specify its password and role. ORDS Administrator example: user ords_admin "Listener Administrator" ORDS Developer example: user ords_dev "SQL Developer"
validate Validates Oracle REST Data Services
version ORDS Version

Configuration directory

When invoked with configdir dirname, the configuration directory for ORDS will be set:
java -jar ./ords.war configdir $home/ords-config
After setting it, it can be queried like so:
java -jar ./ords.war configdir
The value of the configuration directory is stored in the ords.war file itself, under WEB-INF/web.xml, for example like so
		<!-- Enter the location where configuration settings should be stored -->


Remove the ORDS_METADATA and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER accounts and Oracle REST Data services related database objects.
java -jar ords.war uninstall

Default context root for APEX

By default, the context root for accessing APEX through Oracle REST Data Services is /ords.
In order to change this default root to /apex, the ords.war file must be renaed to apex.war before installing Oracle REST Data Services.

See also

Oracle REST Data Services
The Repair option in the SQL Developer menu Tools -> REST Data Services
