file. data tq84_data; infile datalines; length col_1 $10 col_2 $10 col_3 $10; input col_1 col_2 col_3; datalines; x y z one two three foo bar baz strawberry blackberry blueberry ; proc export data=tq84_data outfile='p:\ath\to\exported.txt'; putnames=no; run;
attribute can be used. Apparently, it must immediately follow the data=...
statement: data tq84_data; infile datalines; length col_1 $10 col_2 $10 col_3 $10; input col_1 col_2 col_3; datalines; x y z one two three foo bar baz strawberry blackberry blueberry ; proc export data=tq84_data(keep=col_1 col_3) outfile='p:\ath\to\exported.txt'; putnames=no; run;
data tq84_data; infile datalines; length num 8 txt $20 ; input num txt; datalines; 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten ; run; proc export data=tq84_data (where=(txt gt 'm')) outfile='p:\ath\to\exported.txt' replace; putnames=no; run;
data tq84_xls; do num = 1 to 100; txt = put(num, words30.); output; end; run; %let xls_file_name=p:\ath\to\excel\file.xls; proc export data = tq84_xls dbms = xls outfile ="&xls_file_name"; sheet="all"; run; proc export /* Sine &xls_file_name already exists, a *.bak file will additionally be created. */ data = tq84_xls(where=(num <= 10)) dbms = xls outfile ="&xls_file_name"; sheet="first ten"; run;