Search notes:
SAS: automatic macro variables
Automatic variables start with either &af
or &sys
Date and time related automatic macro variables
%put sysdate: &sysdate; /* 18SEP17 */
%put sysdate9: &sysdate9; /* 18SEP2017 */
%put sysday: &sysday; /* Monday */
%put systime: &systime; /* 06:39 */
Note: these variables record the time when the session was started. They then don't change anymore. The actual current time must be deteremined with time()
%put Time when session started: &systime;
%put Actual time %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(time()),time.));
Last dataset created
The name of the last
data set is stored in
txt = 'demonstration of syslast';
%put last dataset created is &syslast;
proc sql;
select * from &syslast;
Related to the host
%put _sashostname: &_sashostname;
%put _sasservername: &_sasservername;
%put syshostname: &syshostname;
%put systcpiphostname: &systcpiphostname;
%put sysncpu: &sysncpu;
exposes the value of the option
cpucount .
Memory structure sizes
%put char width: &syscharwidth;
%put bits per address: &sysaddrbits;
%put size of long: &syssizeoflong;
%put size of pointer: &syssizeofptr;
%put size of unicode: &syssizeofunicode;
Related to processess
%put sysprocessid = &sysprocessid;
%put sysprocessname = &sysprocessname;
%put sysprocname = &sysprocname;
Enterprise Guide
%put Client application name: &_clientapp;
%put Client machine name: &_clientmachine;
%put Project name: &_clientprojectname;
%put Project path: &_clientprojectpath;
%put Task filter: &_clienttaskfilter;
%put Task label: &_clienttasklabel;
%put User id of client: &_clientuserid;
%put Username of client: &_clientusername;
%put EG version: &_clientversion;
%put SAS host: &_sashostname;
%put SAS program being run: &_sasprogramfile;
%put SAS server: &_sasservername;
Show all(?) automatic macro variables
Here's a list of some automatic variables:
%macro p(id);
* put "&id = " &&&id;
%put "&id = " &&&id;
%mend p;
DATA _null_;
%p(SYSJOBID); /* The PID (process identifier) of the unix process */
In SAS Studio, &_SASWS_
references the home directory.