Search notes:

ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

Visual Basic for Application

An ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested error message is for example thrown when trying to pass a clob exceeding the value of max_string_size to a PL/SQL procedure with VBA.
This is demonstrated with the following test case.
First we need a table …
create table tq84_ora_01460_tab (
   clb  clob
… and a procedure filling the table which will be called by the VBA code:
create or replace procedure tq84_ora_01460_prc(c clob)
   authid definer
  pragma autonomous_transaction pragma autonomous_transaction;
   insert into tq84_ora_01460_tab (clb) values (c);
end tq84_ora_01460_prc;
The following code throws the ORA-01460 unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested error:
option explicit
sub ora_01460() ' {
    dim stmt as new adodb.command
    set stmt.activeConnection = connectOra
    stmt.commandText = "begin tq84_ora_01460_prc(:1); end;"
    dim param as adodb.parameter
    set param = stmt.createParameter(, adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 64000)
  ' param.attributes = adParamLong
    param.attributes = adFldLong
    stmt.parameters.append param
    stmt.parameters(0).appendChunk string(16000, "x")
    stmt.parameters(0).appendChunk string(16000, "7")
    stmt.parameters(0).appendChunk string(16000, "x")
    stmt.parameters(0).appendChunk string(16000, "7")
    dim dummy as long
    stmt.execute dummy
end sub ' }
function connectOra() as adodb.connection
on error goto err_
    dim user_id  as string
    dim password as string
    dim dbName   as string
    dbName   = "ora19"
    user_id  = "[rene]"
    password = ""
    set connectOra = new adodb.connection                       _
         "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1"   & _
        ";Persist Security Info=False"  & _
        ";User ID="     & user_id       & _
        ";Password="    & password      & _
        ";Data Source=" & dbName        & _
        ";FetchSize=10000"              & _
        ";Extended Properties="""""
    exit function
    if left(err.description, 9) = "ORA-01017" then
       msgBox "Not enough privileges to connect to the database"
    end if
end function

See also

Uploading CLOBs to Oracle with VBA
Other Oracle error messages
